Denture Repair, Budapest, XIV. kerület (Dentistry) 4 clinics' services (109 Dentist, 108 Orthodontist, 108 Dental technician, 110 Dental assistant, 108 Oral surgeon)
Description, questions
The broken lines will not be stuck together with glue, but the dentures polymerized own material, so the repaired teeth will be restored to its state prior to the repair and equivalent.
Kiwa Dental Fogorvosi és Fogtechnikai Magánklinika
1142 Budapest, Erzsébet királyné útja 97/B
BalanceMed 3
Dentist Naturopathic doctor Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor Psychologist Acupuncturist Orthodontist Psychotherapist Homeopathic doctor Dental technician Dental assistant Oral surgeon Kinesiologist
1142 Budapest, Tengerszem utca 2/A.
Akrilát alaplemezű fogsor törésjavítása