Locomotor rehabilitation, Budapest, XIV. kerület 13 clinic (65 Physiotherapist, rehabilitation doctor)
Description, questionsJoint Sonography, Budapest, XIV. kerület
The injured, painful, swollen joints Complex Imaging X-ray examination of bone components and soft tissue around the joints: made up of muscles, ligaments, tendons, joints intima, articular cartilage covers the ultrasound examination.
Lymphatic, Budapest, XIV. kerület
The lymphatic drainage is a special kind of massage, which improves the lymph fluxion; regular use of stasis eliminate, activates the immune system, stimulates removal of waste products, thus contributing to the regeneration of cells and tissues, reduce inflammation readiness promotes existing inflammation, wound healing.
Fascia Release, Budapest, XIV. kerület
The musculoskeletal system complaints context, taking into account their relationship with each other and hence the painful region and manual, so it still catches therapist management is extending its related segments that will dissolve the connective tissue elements deformities various techniques.
Craniomandibuláris Therapy, Budapest, XIV. kerület
The mandibular (craniomandibuláris joints) and its related muscles, soft tissues to treat deformity, problems of therapy. Chewing up joint problems may be associated with dental complaints such as headache, migraine, neck complaints as well.